Mr. Kaye in the February 6th Planning Board Meeting you told me with my wife and son present that you objected to our seeking to change the zoning on our property to Business next to your RENTAL PROPERTY, which by the way is located on RESIDENCE “A” LAND in the middle of a Residence “A” Neighborhood!  This is my response to you:  You purchased this property with a huge “Retail Sales Yard” right in front of your property.  You purchased the property from Argentum Investment Trust which you are the Trustee for I believe.  So, I have several questions for you.  First, why are you allowed to acquire Residence “A” Property to use as “Rental Property in a Residence “A” Neighborhood?”  Second, why if this is a concern to you why, would you acquire the 9 Revere Street property with a Six-Foot Chain-link Fence topped with 3 Rows of Barbed Wire in front of it; particularly when there is an un-buffered Retail Sales Yard in front of it as well?  Maybe you could tell the property owners in East Longmeadow who the members of Argentum Investment Trust are?  Does everyone know why “things” are acquired through Investment Trusts?  You see, it is my understanding that this is done so that no one knows who the buyers are.  Is this the reason The property was acquired by Argentum and sold to you?  In my opinion there should be no “Rental Property” in Residence “A” Neighborhoods!  And there shouldn’t be enormous Retail Businesses operating on Residence “A” Land either!

9 Revere Street Property Owners:



Argemntum Investment Trust (Interesting?)  Who are the “members” of this Trust?  Isn’t this done to hide the people who are really acquiring a piece of property?

 Current Owner:

April 5, 2019 the Property has been acquired by a Private Residential Individual, no more information will be published regarding 9 Revere Street other than to insure that Residential Property Owners Rights are protected.

 Thomas M. Kaye

 Quercus Properties LLC. (Thomas M. Kaye)

  265 Millbrook Dr.

 East Longmeadow, MA 01028


Facts about Quercus Properties

Quercus Properties LLC is a small, fairly new non-residential building operator in East Longmeadow, Massachusetts. It opened in 2012 and now has an estimated $170,000 in yearly revenue and approximately 2 employees.

Odd Fact, Oak Tree Scientific Name: Quercus … funny how a beautiful Huge Historic Oak Tree was cut down for no reason in  2012 … the same year Thomas M. Kaye started “Quercus Properties LLC!”  Is this a jab!  Let’s find out … it’s time to investigate East Longmeadow!

9 Revere Street Views

This is what you see if you live at 9 Revere Street, 19 Revere Street … or 5 Revere Street.  5 Revere Street has been in my family since 1955, so that is why I brought my wife and 5-Year-Old son here 21 years ago.  The question is: “Why would anyone acquire the property unless it was for a Commercial or Business purpose with this mess in front of it?”  Would you want to look out your window and see this mess with all the other property that is available in East Longmeadow?  I know I wouldn’t.  We were told by attorneys when we came back here it would be a short trip to court to fix this mess; there were no Site Plans, Parking Plans, Traffic Studies, and there was no buffering … Just so you know, the original Site Plans, Parking Plans, Traffic Studies have never been produced and the ONLY Special Permit that has been produced is for a “Wood Frame Addition.”  So, where is the one the Town is always referring to and the Public Hearings were held about?

The property has been sold to a Private Home Owner and no more will be published about the property; other than to insure that the “Businesses” operating across the street at the Graziano Property is contained.