Is Channel 22 Only a Mouthpiece for Special Interest? Telling Only the News they want to tell, and then only One-Sided Reporting?  Tell them you want the Whole Truth about a Giant Castle built on Residence “A” Land in the middle of a Residence “A” Neighborhood.  Please call them at: (413) 377-2200 or Nexstar Media Group (855) 997-2470 and tell them you want to know the truth about how the Town allowed a “Little Family Farm,” that grew everything to be turned into a Huge Retail Garden Center with a Commercial Landscaping Business to be built in the middle of a Residential Neighborhood. I worked on that farm all the time I was a kid; he grew at least 95% the vegetables rest was from the Farmer’s Maket; he grew all the Flowers that were sold from scratch.
Not One Local TV Network will tell the real story about the Town and what they have allowed the Grazianos to build here and how they have destroyed our Family Home, Endangered our Family and made a mess of a Residence “A” Neighborhood! So, why won’t anyone tell the truth about what has gone on here?  It’s time to find out who the Grazianos are and why no one dares say anything about them!

Channel 22 Is a Disgrace!  Their Motto should Be:

Channel 22 working for Special Interest

To say that they are “Working for You” is a joke when the only thing they cover and the only story they show you is the side of the story “they” want to tell … not the TRUTH!  This site will show you what the truth is and why we need your help to fight a Town that has NO Regard for our family, or the Truth about what the Town has done to our family and our home by allowing the Grazianos to build a giant Retail Garden Center on Residence A Land in the middle of a Residence A Neighborhood!

Let Channel 22 know that you want the truth told about what has gone on with Graziano Gardens and what they have done to our home and property … we have been here since 1955


Ever wonder why no local News Organization will tell the truth about the “Little Farm?”

One-Sided reporting that does a disservice to every business and property owner in the Town!