The Town Refuses to Produce these Documents
Graziano Gardens was opened in 1978 and the Town has refused to produce these documents relating to the Businesses operating there on Residence A Land in the Middle of a Residence “A” Neighborhood.
No Site Plan
No Parking Plan
No Traffic Study
No Dates for “Sub-Dividing” the Property.
No Hearings for the Dual Use “Residential/Commercial.” It’s not a Farm, doesn't grow anything everything is delivered on trucks.
No Hearing evidence has been produced when the business was established for either of these issues.
No Buffering and Access and Egress never identified, you can't use Side Residential Streets for Access/Egress vehicles must use a Main Road.
They have no legal access to their Rear Parking Lot. They Planning Board ignored Signed Petitions and Zoning Bylaws to grant this illegal parking lot … thanks to MS. Richards? (See Documents Section)