This is what you see if you live on Revere Street
These are “Examples” of why there needs to be a Criminal Investigation into the Town. Not one single TV Station or Newspaper will tell the Truth about what goes on here … why? Who are the Grazianos that no one will standup to them and show what has been done here?
The Town gave our Side Residential Street to Graziano Gardens as an Access and Egress Road for Deliveries and Customer Traffic because they didn’t have room for this on their property! Where does the Town think they have the Right to do this? There are several serious problems with this:
Tractor-Trailer Trucks, Delivery Trucks and Customer Traffic doesn’t belong here; this is a side Residence A Street. The constant stream of traffic is a serious problem. These huge Tractor-Trailer Trucks are too big for the street, and they endangered our 6-Year-Old Son at the time they allowed this, to say nothing of the cars racing up the street, and 18-Years Later … it is still a safety hazard that doesn’t belong here.
If Graziano Gardens is a “Farm” why is everything they sell delivered on trucks?
The Planning Board ignored signed Petitions and circumvented our legal action in doing this, and we believe grossly over stepped their authority.
This “Building” was supposed to store Farm Equipment, unfortunately that is not what the building is being used for. The Building Permit says: “For Storing Farm Equipment.” So, did the Grazianos lie on the application for the Building Permit? (see Permit in the Documents Section)
The constant stream of these trucks has destroyed the lower branches of a 250 to 275-Year-Old Historic Tree. (Note: The Town has since cut this Historic Tree down, and we believe once again Illegally, not following proper protocol {see Historic Tree Section})
Destroyed the Road, refusing to pave it, or put curbings up. Please note that I said “Pave,” not widen and pave!
Caused thousands of dollars of damage to our property caused by huge Tractor-Trailer Truck, Customer Cars, Dump Trucks driving into it; the Town does nothing to stop it or compensate us for the damage … 18 Years of Damage!
The Town has refused just recently to compensate us for the damage; the Police don’t cite the people that do the damage although as you can see the vehicles are clearly identified.

The Warehouse
What you see here is the Warehouse that supports Graziano Gardens. This isn’t a Farm, the Permits Issued by the Town say: “Retail Garden Center,” so, why did the Town defend it as a “Farm?” Why would the Town change the Zoning to “Commercial/Residential,” shouldn’t it be “Farm?” Where were the hearings for the zoning or “Usage” Change held? Where do these people think they have the Right to circumvent every Zoning Bylaw in the Town? To say nothing of destroying “Residential Property Values!” The Permit for this huge building says: “For storing Farm Equipment.” The problem is … they don’t own any “Farm Equipment,” and they don’t Farm or Grow anything … it is all delivered on trucks and watered.
Dom Lombardi that did have a Farm there, grew everything from seed. I know, I used to work there as a kid. There were no tractor-trailer trucks no 12-Wheel Dump Trucks, Customer Vehicles, Landscaper Trucks. He had a small 1/2 Ton Pickup Truck, a International Farmall Tractor, Moldboard Plow and Wheel Harrow, Seeder … “Real Farm Equipment.” Lombardi didn’t have a “Nursery” selling trees and shrubs all grow somewhere else, he had a Farm Filed there that grew: tomatoes, squash, peppers, green beans where the Grazianos paved over a Farm Field, put in expanded parking and where they sell Trees and Shrubs! Sell Mulch and and landscaping Supplies.
This so grossly exceeds “Preexisting Non-Conforming Use” that it needs to be investigated and prosecuted; holding the people responsible and accountable for their actions so that this is never done again in the Town.

The Mess that Graziano Gardens creates on Revere Street …
the Grazianos use it as a Sewer for all their “Run-Off” and Drainage!
Along with all their leaves they never cleanup, the tree-belt that they make a mess out of by mowing it once every month or two, the garbage that blows out of the Sales yard, and the general mess they make on the street, they also are allowed to use Revere Street as their Personal Sewer!
The Huge Tractor-Trailer Trucks, Dump Trucks, Delivery Vehicles and customer Traffic have destroyed the street, and the water runoff erodes the street where the pavement is all broken. The answer isn’t to Widen the street … the answer is to stop these huge trucks for using the street and then repaving the street and installing curbings. Maynard Street has been paved twice in the past 18-Years, Revere Street has never been paved! We’ve payed taxes since 1955!